IntoAction Newsletter

Box 4-5-9 Newsletter


Latest Newsletter

Since our District 11 newsletter IntoAction has been dormant for a long time and there have been some inquiries about activities in other nearby Districts, we have posted the following…
Conscious Contact  Information and Inspiration from District 10:

The District 11 newsletter IntoAction has been dormant for several years, but hopefully someone will step up and get it back IntoAction again soon!  More volunteers are needed.   If interested contact the Public Information chair through the Contact Us page.  Of course, you are welcome and encouraged to come to the next district meeting and bring a friend, too – you can both get active!!


Past issues of the IntoAction newsletter are being archived off-site. The link below will take you to a Google Drive file. Click on the year, and follow the link.

Please contact with any questions.

IntoAction Archive